What Our Readers Are Saying About JIS
“Congrats on creating a much needed excellent journal.”
Jack T. Hanford, Ferris State University
“The current journal came out very nicely. A lot of interesting articles are in there. I plan on reading them all.”
Corine Sutherland, Golden West College
“I admire your hard work over the years in establishing IIR and JIS; you were certainly breaking ground long before the interdisciplinary studies movement was fully appreciated in academia.”
Joshua Reichard, Omega Graduate School, Tennessee
“I just got the JIS subscription renewed at our Bellevue University Library. Congratulations on another great Volume. You do outstanding work.”
Judd W. Patton, Bellevue University
“Many thanks to you, JIS referees, and the JIS board, for such fine and careful work and for the clarity of your purpose and mission.”
Bruce N. Lundberg, Colorado State University-Pueblo
“With great admiration of your work!”
Charles Taliaferro, St. Olaf College
“May your fine work for truth, liberty, and common sense continue to be well-blessed, and well-received as you address some of the most pressing issues of our time.”
Brian Byrd, Seigakuin University, Japan
“Thank you for all your wonderful and blessed work.”
Monica D. Merutiu, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
“In a postmodern world in which there are no mental/spiritual constants & all meaning is a social construct–thank God for IIR!
Gilbert R. Prost, Anthropologist-Linguist, Gainesville, Florida
“Thanks for your extraordinary Journal!
John P. Hittinger, University of St. Thomas-Houston
“Enjoying this 2016 issue of JIS–passing along a couple of articles & distributing Brooks’ list of 15 character qualities to my staff. Blessings.
Jeff Myers, President, Summit Ministries, Colorado
“I want to commend you on the fine work you are doing with JIS!”
John F. Kilner, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“I found your journal and decided that I would very much like to subscribe. Rational, deep thought is dying in our country, especially among students, but people and organizations and publications like yourself are pushing back against the tide of ignorance. You are to be greatly commended for your work. May God richly bless you! Ad maiorem Dei gloriam,”
Lydia Smith, Walsh University (student)
“Thank you for the very impressive issue of the Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies [2017], and thank you for including my essay in it. This issue makes a valuable contribution.”
Adrian J. Reimers, University of Notre Dame
“Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! I am proud of the wonderful work you do . . . . I want you to know that you are in my prayers and praise. Thank you for all you do. God bless you! Yours in Christ,”
Ted Baehr, Founder/President, Christian Film and Television Commission
“Many thanks for your encouragement, help, and indeed mentorship over the years. I recall especially your assistance with an article in 1995 when I was a young, untenured assistant professor. Wishing you the very best,”
Michael E. Meagher, Missouri University of Science & Technology-Rolla
“This looks like a fantastic issue [2018]! . . . Over the years I’ve continued to follow the great work that you do and appreciate the start you gave me in getting my ideas about how new discoveries in science point to God (“The Return of the God Hypothesis”). I thought you might like to know that I have a book by that same title coming out next year. Best wishes to you and your continued good work on the Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.”
Stephen C. Meyer, author, The Return of the God Hypothesis
“The Journal came today! Excellent issue [2018]! The review of my book was the best I have seen yet.”
Jerry Bergman, Northwest State College
“I am honored to have been included in JIS XXXI 2019 volume. My University enjoys the academic benefit of JIS . . . . My colleagues assure me that they are aware of the high reputation of the journal and that their research benefits from a close association with the University’s JIS holdings . . . . I am ever grateful for your kind and skilled guidance.”
Clifton Perry, Auburn University
“This last week I have been reading and profiting from the latest JIS XXXI 2019. I am seeking new wise and loving spiritual strategies . . . . I am finding inspiration and help from this latest issue. Despair is not our end, but God’s opportunity . . . . Blessings on your work for JIS-IIR.”
Bruce N. Lundberg, Colorado State University-Pueblo
“Thank you for the chance to work with you again [JIS XXXIII 2021]. It is truly a pleasure. JIS is top notch. It is my favorite journal. Such fascinating articles, always. It also avoids the identity politics and left-wing politics so characteristic of many academic journals. While welcoming all, it avoids imposing restrictions. Simply wonderful! All the best.”
Michael E. Meagher, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla
“Thank you for the helpful advice on writing more effectively.”
Taylor Bradman, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“Congratulations on the publication of JIS XXXIII 2021. Blessings on you and JIS in the coming year.”
Christopher Corbally, S.J., Vatican Observatory/University of Arizona
“I have been reading an article a week in The Arts & Transcendence” [JIS XXXIV 2022]. Excellent articles!
William E. Dean, Ph.D., Carmichael, California
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