

Abell, Jacob (review) XXXIII: 175-77.
Adelekan, Tokunbo (review) XIV: 200-2.
Adie, Douglas K. In Search of America’s Great Awakenings XIV: 91-116.
Adie, D. K. Adam Smith’s Faustian Bargain XVI: 41-64.
Aigbe, Sunday A. Church and State in Nigeria II: 175-90.
Aigbe, S. A. (review) III: 203-5.
Aigbe, S. A. (review) VI: 200-2.
Aksoy, Sureyya Elif. Muslim-Christian Dialogue in Peyami Safa’s The Armchair of Mademoiselle Noraliya XX: 87-104.
Allen, Wayne. The Search for American Soul VI: 41-66.
Allen, W. The Politics of Love VII: 25-50.
Allen, W. The City as Remembrance VIII: 69-80.
Allen, W. (review) XIV: 206-8.
Allen, W. The Protean Faces of Materialism (review essay) XV: 165-82.
Alley-Young, Gordon (review) XXXI: 192-94.
Alley-Young, Gordon (review) XXXII: 216-18.
Almy, Gary L. (review) XII: 184-86.
Alsenas, Jonas (review) XXIII: 195-96.
Anderson, Clifton. Farming and Ecology in the 21st Century III: 127-44.
Anderson, Dan (review) VIII: 182-84.
Anderson, Robert M. Jr. & Yevgeniya K. Melnik. Cybernetics, Genetic Engineering and the Future of Psychotherapy XXV: 39-53.
Anderson, R. M. Jr. & Tiffany K. Ah Loo. Healing the Ideological-Political Divisions in America XXXVI: 127-45.
Andrassy, Gyorgy & Miklos Fulop. Prospects of a Free and Democratic Society in Hungary IV: 121-38.
Athenai. Washington Appeal to Close Confucius Institutes in U.S. XXXV: 177-88.
Austriaco, Nicanor P. G., Jr. Causality Within Complexity XI: 141-56.
Austriaco, N. P. G., Jr. (review) XIII: 209-10.
Ayers, David J. (review) X: 187-88.
Back to Top

Badley, Ken (review) VII: 193-94.
Badley, K. (review) XIX: 199-201.
Badley, K. (review) XXII: 214-16.
Baehr, Ted. We Are Not in Kansas or Kiev Anymore XX: 171-81.
Bahm, Archie J. (review) IV: 193-94.
Bair, Lynda E. The Art and Science of Medieval Manuscripts V: 25-44.
Bair, L. E. Interacting With Art XXXIV: 73-96.
Bair, L. E. (review) XXXV: 216-18.
Baird, James D. (review) XXVIII: 179-80.
Ballor, Jordan J. (review) XXIV: 189-91.
Ballor, J. J. Theology and Economics XXVI: 115-34.
Ballor, J. J. (review) XXVII: 209-11.
Bartholomew, Craig G. The Challenge of Islam in Africa VI: 129-46.
Bartholomew, C. G. (review) XIX: 201-3.
Bartholomew, C. G. (review) XXIII: 216-18.
Bartl, Bernd (review) XXIII: 214-16.
Bartlett, Jonathan (review) XXVIII: 186-88.
Beckwith, Francis J. (review) XII: 179-80.
Benac, Dustin D. (review) XXX: 205-06.
Benes, Karel K. (review) X: 183-84.
Benz, Arnold O. (review) XIV: 196-98.
Benz, A. O. Culture in a New Scientific Worldview XVII: 123-38.
Berchem, Christophe. Sinn und Bedeutung der philosophischen Gottesbeweise XI: 105-22.
Bergman, Gerald (“Jerry”) (review) X: 189-90.
Bergman, G. Evolution and Irreducible Complexity XXII: 89-114.
Bergman, G. The Challenge of Academic Freedom XXIII: 137-64.
Bergman, G. (review) XXV: 200-2.
Bergman, G. The Human Genome XXVII: 25-44.
Bergman, G. (review) XXVIII: 192-93.
Bergman, G. (review) XXX: 195-96.
Bergman, G. (review) XXXIII: 177-79.
Bergman, G. (review) XXXV: 204-07.
Bishop, Robert C. (review) II: 195-96.
Bishop, R. C. Science and Theology V: 141-62.
Blair, John P. (review) VIII: 184-86.
Blank, Robert H. Human Genetic Intervention I: 103-21.
Bobko, Aleksander. Human Rights and Polish Reality X: 101-14.
Borland, James A. (review) VI: 187-88.
Borland, J. A. (review) XIV: 190-92.
Bradman, Taylor J. & David M. Gustafson. Who Are We?l XXXIII: 105-22.
Breu, Marlene R. & Ronald T. Marchese. Armenian Religious Textiles in Istanbul XIII: 175-96.
Brljavac, Bedrudin. Ethnopolitics and Discrimination Against Minorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina XXIV: 123-42.
Brotton, Melissa J. (review) XXX: 210-12.
Brown, Christine & Lynne C. Boughton. The Grail Quest as Illumination IX: 39-62.
Brown, Montague (review) XX: 193-95.
Brown, M. (review) XXIV: 186-88.
Brown, Robert E. (review) XV: 195-97.
Brown, Terrence N. (review) IV: 196-97.
Brown, T. N. (review) VII: 190-91.
Brown, T. N. (review) XVI: 211-12.
Brown, T. N. (review) XIX: 212-14.
Brown, T. N. (review) XXV: 187-89.
Brown, T. N. (review) XXXV: 209-11.
Brunner, Carl E. Germplasm Conservation and the Green Revolution III: 145-60.
Brunner, C. E. (review) VIII: 194-96.
Brunner, Regina B. (review) VI: 196-97.
Burdziej, Stanislaw. Christianity and Democracy XXI: 66-82.
Buswell, James O. III. Toward a Christian Metaanthropology I: 24-44.
Butcher, Jonathan M. The Critical Contagion XXXVI: 105-26.
Byker, Gaylen J. The Religious and Moral Foundations of Civil Society and Free Market Economy XIII: 1-14.
Byl, John. Naturalism, Theism and Objective Knowledge XIV: 69-90.
Byl, J. (review) XIX: 193-95.
Byrd, Brian & John Paul Loucky. Toyohiko Kagawa and Reinhold Niebuhr XXVIII: 63-88.
Back to Top

Camele, Anthony M. (review) VI: 190-92.
Campbell, Bradley (review) XXXIII: 196-98.
Campbell, Edwina S. & Mark D. W. Edington. Woodrow Wilson’s “Road Away From Revolution” II: 139-58.
Campbell, John A. The Educational Debate Over Darwinism XV: 43-60.
Canfield, Joseph M. (review) X: 195-96.
Canfield, J. M. (review) XIII: 203-4.
Canfield, J. M. (review) XVI: 206-7.
Canfield, J. M. (review) XVIII: 207-9.
Carden, William A. Commerce and Culture in the Global Economy XX: 21-36.
Carlson, Traver (review) XXIX: 187-88.
Carnes, Tony. Twilight of the Idols in Russia VI: 109-28.
Carnes, T. (review) XVI: 199-201.
Carpov, Victor V. Type-Antitype in Architecture V: 45-56.
Carron, Paul E. & Anne-Marie Schultz. Socratic Meditation and Emotional Self-Regulation XXV: 137-60.
Chan, Alan L. (review) XVI: 210-11.
Chang, Kuk Won (review) V: 196-98.
Chang, K. W. Christianity and Conceptual Transformation IX: 141-54.
Chang, K. W. (review) XVI: 194-95.
Chang, Paul K. W. (review) XX: 195-97.
Chase, Kenneth R. Communication, Ethics and Relational Peace XXXIII: 141-63.
Chattopadhyay, Dipikanta (review) IX: 201-3.
Chenoweth, Gregg A. (review) XX: 205-7.
Choudhury, Enamul H. Culture, Religion and Inclusive Public Discourse XIII: 51-72.
Christie, Robert C. Newman’s Aesthetic Vision XXIII: 41-57.
Chung, Jun Ki. Taoism in Christian Perspective (review essay) IX: 173-78.
Chryssavgis, John (review) XV: 188-90.
Ciesielczyk, Marek. Will Perestroika Survive Until 1993? III: 161-63.
Claar, Victor V. (review) XX: 202-3.
Claar, V. V. (review) XXIV: 182-84.
Claar, V. V. (review) XXVII: 213-15.
Clark, Mary E. (review) II: 205-7.
Clemens, David (review) XXII: 201-03.
Clough, William R. The Word and the World XVII: 1-25.
Clough, W. R. (review) XVIII: 191-93.
Clough, W. R. Can There Be a Virtuous Society? XIX: 159-79.
Clough, W. R. (review) XXI: 202-3.
Clough, W. R. Natural Intelligence and Intelligible Design XXII: 134-54.
Clough, W. R. (review) XXIV: 191-93.
Clough, W. R. Looking to the Future XXV: 54-66.
Clough, W. R. (review) XXVI: 196-98.
Clough, W. R. God’s Dice XXVII: 4-24.
Clough, W. R. (review) XXVIII: 181-82.
Clough, W. R. The First Freedom XXX: 4-28.
Clough, W. R. (review) XXX: 201-02.
Clough, W. R. The Angelic Doctor in the Twenty-First Century XXXI: 33-54.
Clough, W. R. The Promise and Perils of Connectedness XXXIII: 19-42.
Clough, W. R. (review) XXXIV: 201-03.
Clough, W. R. (review) XXXVI: 194-95.
Cobane, Craig T. (review) VIII: 196-98.
Cobane, C. T. (review) XIV: 187-88.
Cobin, John M. Abortion Policy and the Market XV: 79-98.
Cobin, J. M. (review) XVI: 204-5.
Cobin, J. M. (review) XXI: 186-88.
Cobin, J. M. (review) XXIV: 209-12.
Cobin, J. M. (review) XXVI: 192-93.
Cole, J. Michael (review) XXXV: 173-76.
Colosi, Peter J. The Intrinsic Worth of Persons XV: 3-22.
Colosi, P. J. (review) XVI: 202-3.
Consalvo, Deborah McWilliams. Thomas Moore and Victorian Ireland IV: 46-62.
Cooper, Brigitte Dehmelt (review) V: 202-3.
Cooper, B. D. Philosophy, Science and Religion VII: 171-82.
Cooper, B. D. (review) VIII: 190-92.
Cooper, B. D. (review) XI: 194-95.
Cooper, B. D. (review) XIV: 185-87.
Cooper, B. D. (review) XVII: 187-88.
Cooper, David D. Reality and Textuality IV: 27-45.
Cooper, D. D. (review) V: 191-93.
Cox, Thomas D. (review) XX: 204-5.
Creedy, Thomas (review) XXVI: 218-20.
Cuzan, Alfred G. The Nicaraguan Revolution I: 183-202.
Cuzan, A. G. (review) II: 207-9.
Cuzan, A. G. The Rise and Fall of Communism in Nicaragua IV: 164-83.
Cvetkovic, Srdjan. Homeland is Freedom XXIV: 83-105.
Back to Top

D’Ambrosio, Ubiratan (review) X: 193-95.
D’Ambrosio, U. (review) XIV: 192-94.
Damian, Theodor (review) XV: 211-12.
Damian, T. (review) XVIII: 212-14.
Damian, T. Christianity as Ideal Paradigm of Globalization XX: 155-70.
Damian, T. (review) XXI: 200-1.
Damian, T. (review) XXV: 198-200.
Damian, T. (review) XXXI: 187-89.
Damian, T. (review) XXXV: 193-95.
Dare, Tim. Virtue Ethics, Lawyers and Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird XIX: 81-100.
Davis, Jeffry C. The Virtue of Liberal Arts XIX: 61-80.
Davis, J. C. (review) XXIII: 205-7.
Davis, J. C. Novel Interdisciplinary Rhetoric XXV: 105-36.
Davis, J. C. (review) XXVI: 208-10.
Davis, J. C. (review) XXVII: 191-93.
Davis, J. C. (review) XXIX: 214-16.
Davis, J. C. The Liberal Arts Paradigm for Interdisciplinary Studies XXXI: 161-77.
Davis, J. C. (review) XXXIV: 205-7.
Davis, J. C. (review) XXXVI: 203-6.
Davis, Ruth E. (review) XXVI: 206-8.
Day, Steven M. (review) XV: 203-4.
Dean, William E. (review) II: 198-200.
Dean, W. E. (review) XX: 210-11.
Dean, W. E. (review) XXIII: 207-9.
Dechert, Charles R. The American Bishops’ Letter on the U.S. Economy–Revisited III: 73-92.
Dechert, C. R. (review) VII: 186-87.
Dennehy, Raymond L. Physician-Assisted Suicide and Democracy XV: 99-118.
Dennehy, R. L. (review) XVI: 192-94.
Dennehy, R. L. The Illusion of Freedom Separated From Moral Virtue XIX: 19-39.
Denney, Stephen. Religion and Dissent in Vietnam XVIII: 136-52.
Dennison, William D. For a Better World? XXVI: 57-72.
Dennison, W. D. (review) XXVIII: 190-91.
Dilley, Stephen Craig. Science, Religion and a Culture of Life XV: 61-78.
Dilley, S. C. Enlightenment Science and Globalization XX: 135-54.
Djilas, Aleksa. Remembering Mihajlo Mihajlov XXIV: 119-22.
Djilas, Milovan. Open Letter to Tito in Defense of Mihajlo Mihajlov XXIV: 157-58.
Dokulil, Miloš (review) V: 190-91.
Dokulil, M. (review) VII: 196-98.
Dokulil, M. The Last Man’s Culture–Revisited X: 85-100.
Dokulil, M. Kurt Gödel’s Religious Worldview XXXII: 95-118.
Dondelinger, Joseph M. Ethnopolitics and the New World Disorder VI: 87-109.
Dondelinger, J. M. (review) X: 198-200.
Dondelinger, J. M. (review) XVIII: 193-95.
Dondelinger, J. M. Cultural Contradictions of Soft Power and Islam XX: 37-64.
Dondelinger, J. M. (review) XXI: 188-90.
Dondelinger, J. M. (review) XXIII: 209-11.
Dondelinger, J. M. (review) XXVI: 214-16.
Dondelinger, J. M. (review) XXIX: 197-99.
Donskis, Leonidas. Lewis Mumford VIII: 49-68.
Donskis, L. (review) X: 197-98.
Donskis, L. (review) XIV: 183-85.
Donskis, L. Aleksandras Shtromas XVIII: 75-92.
Durbin, William A. (review) V: 193-95.
Back to Top

Einbinder, Susan D. Housing Affordability for Families With Children VII: 83-100.
Ellingsen, Mark. The American Republic IV: 81-101.
Ellingsen, M. (review) V: 189-90.
Ellingsen, M. Social Media and the Costs of Distraction XXXIII: 43-58.
Engeman, Thomas S. (review) XIX: 197-99.II
Ensign, Robert. From Engineering to Apocalypse V: 93-112.
Erhardt, Erwin F. III (review) XXXIII: 173-75.
Erhardt, E. F. III (review) XXXIV: 210-12.
Erhardt, E. F. III (review) XXXV: 214-16.
Erhardt, E. F. III (review) XXXVI: 215-17.
Esmailzadeh, Yaser. Tribalism and Cultural Discontent in the Middle East XXXVI: 87-104.
Back to Top

Fagan, Ronald W. Homelessness in America VII: 101-18.
Fagg, Lawrence W. (review) XVII: 185-86.
Fairbanks, James D. (review) IX: 181-82.
Fairbanks, J. D. (review) XIX: 206-8.
Fairbanks, J. D. (review) XXII: 205-7.
Fairbanks, J. D. (review) XXV: 184-87.
Faulders, Theodore (review) XVIII: 203-5.
Faulders, T. (review) XXI: 206-8.
Ferrer, Gabriel J. (review) XXXIV: 212-14.
Fillingim, David. U.S. Family Policy in Search of Values, 1965-95 VII: 71-82.
Fillingim, D. (review) X: 173-74.
Fisher, James R. (review) IV: 194-96.
Fisher, J. R. Signs and Seasons in Edmund Spenser’s Fairie Queene V: 57-76.
Ford, Jerry (review) XXVIII: 188-89.
Fotev, Georgy. Dissent and Civil Society in the Balkans XVIII: 93-110.
Friesen, Leonard G. (review) XXX: 198-200.
Fuqua, Jonathan (review) XVII: 189-90.
Back to Top

Gallagher, Daniel (review) XVII: 193-94.
Garcia, Robert K. Apologizing to the Postmodernist XII: 1-19.
Geller, Jeffery L. Pretotalitarian Values I: 122-34.
Georgianna, Sharon (review) I: 207-9.
Georgianna, S. Fundamentalism vs. Social Activism II: 159-74.
Giba, Leslie C. (review) IV: 190-91.
Giberson, Karl W. The Cosmological God (review essay) VI: 165-79.
Giberson, K. W. The Anthropic Principle IX: 63-90.
Giberson, K. W. The Circled Wagons of Science (review essay) X: 159-72.
Giberson, K. W. & Donald A. Yerxa. Providence and the Christian Scholar XI: 123-40.
Giberson, K. W. Chance, Divine Action and the Natural Order of Things XXVII: 99-108.
Goldsmith, Dale (review) XII: 182-84.
Gombos, Stelian. Bioethics in the Vision of Orthodox Theology XXXI: 108-22.
Gombos, S. Crisis of the Secularism Paradigm XXXIII: 164-70.
Gottfried, Paul E. (review) XVIII: 197-99.
Gow, James S. & Kathleen M. Self-Esteem and Spiritual Vision XIX: 40-60.
Grandy, David. The Musical Roots of Western Mathematics V: 3-24.
Grandy, D. (review) VII: 198-200.
Grandy, D. Of Logos, Wonder and Morning Understanding VIII: 168-75.
Grandy, D. (review) XI: 190-92.
Grandy, D. Light as an Absolute in Science and Religion XII: 159-77.
Grandy, D. (review) XV: 197-98.
Grandy, D. Goethe on Color and Light XVII: 26-44.
Grandy, D. (review) XVIII: 195-97.
Grandy, D. (review) XXII: 199-201.
Grandy, D. The Future of Information Technology (review essay) XXV: 161-76.
Grandy, D. Science, Divine Providence and Human Choice XXVII: 125-38.
Grandy, D. (review) XXVIII: 197-99.
Grandy, D. (review) XXXII: 212-13.
Grandy, D. (review) XXXIII: 184-86.
Grandy, D. (review) XXXV: 195-97.
Gregor, Brian (review) XVIII: 210-11.
Griffin, John R. (review) XXIV: 198-200.
Grinnell, Frederick (review) XXIII: 201-2.
Groves, J. Randall (review) VIII: 210-11.
Gruenwald, Oskar. Why a Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies? (editorial) I: 1-2.
Gruenwald, O. Christianity and Science II: 1-21.
Gruenwald, O. Christian Political Economy (editorial) III: 1-10.
Gruenwald, O. Cultural Theory, Ethics and Politics IV: 1-26.
Gruenwald, O. The Rainbow Paradigm (editorial) V: 1-2.
Gruenwald, O. Science and Religion VI: 1-23.
Gruenwald, O. Science-Religion Dialogue VII: 151-70.
Gruenwald, O. The Bridge to Eternity VIII: 131-48.
Gruenwald, O. The Quest for Transcendence IX: 155-72.
Gruenwald, O. The Third Yugoslavia X: 115-41.
Gruenwald, O. Philosophy as Creative Discovery XI: 157-74.
Gruenwald, O. The Other Holocaust XII: 85-108.
Gruenwald, O. Belgrade Student Demonstrations, 1996-97 XIII: 155-74.
Gruenwald, O. Renewing the Liberal Arts XIV: 1-24.
Gruenwald, O. Why Liberalism Needs God (editorial) XV: 1-2.
Gruenwald, O. Virtue and Markets XVI: 1-19.
Gruenwald, O. The Third Culture XVII: 139-60.
Gruenwald, O. Toward an Open Society XVIII: 25-56.
Gruenwald, O. The Teleological Imperative XIX: 1-18.
Gruenwald, O. The Globalization Paradox XX: 1-20.
Gruenwald, O. Culture, Religion and Politics XXI: 1-24.
Gruenwald, O. Progress in Science XXII: 1-31.
Gruenwald, O. The University as Quest for Truth XXIII: 1-18.
Gruenwald, O. The Third Revolution XXIV: 1-56.
Gruenwald, O. The Dystopian Imagination XXV: 1-38.
Gruenwald, O. The Promise of Interdisciplinary Studies XXVI: 1-28.
Gruenwald, O. God, Nature and Freedom (editorial) XXVII: 1-3.
Gruenwald, O. The Postmodern Challenge XXVIII: 1-18.
Gruenwald, O. The Quest for Meaning and Redemption (editorial) XXIX: 1-3.
Gruenwald, O. The American Promise (editorial) XXX: 1-3.
Gruenwald, O. The Promise of the Liberal Arts XXXI: 1-10.
Gruenwald, O. Taming the Digital Behemoth XXXII: 1-16.
Gruenwald, O. Phenomenology of Communications XXXIII: 1-18.
Gruenwald, O. The Arts as Self-Transcendence XXXIV: 1-10.
Gruenwald, O. The New Cold War XXXV: 1-32.
Gruenwald, O. Beyond Tribalism XXXVI: 1-24.
Grygiel, Stanislaw. Spiritual Discernment in a Secular Age XXIX: 149-58.
Guinan, Patricia (review) X: 191-92.
Gungov, Alexander L. Civic Virtues vs. Market Values in the Balkans XIII: 135-53.
Gungov, A. L. (review) XIV: 204-6.
Gutierrez-Boronat, Orlando. The Cuban Civic Movement XVIII: 157-70.
Back to Top

Haarmeyer, David (review) III: 194-95.
Haber, John (review) XVII: 202-3.
Haddad, Jordan A. (review) XXVIII: 183-84.
Halteman, James. Moral Reflection and Markets XVI: 21-40.
Hanes, Pavel (review) XXVI: 216-18.
Hanford, Jack T. (review) IV: 187-88.
Hanford, J. T. (review) IX: 194-95.
Hanford, J. T. (review) XII: 201-3.
Hanford, J. T. (review) XV: 187-88.
Hanford, J. T. (review) XVIII: 214-16.
Hanford, J. T. (review) XXI: 195-97.
Hanford, J. T. (review) XXV: 202-4.
Harrington, Susan Tetlow (review) XII: 193-95.
Harwood, Larry D. (review) IX: 187-88.
Hayden Lemmons, Rose Mary. Modes of Re-Enchantment XXIX: 91-114.
Heinrichs, Daniel. The Enigma of Suffering XV: 119-36.
Helweg, Otto J. (review) IV: 199-200.
Helweg, O. J. (review) IX: 192-94.
Helweg, O. J. (review) XIII: 199-99.
Helweg, O. J. (review) XVII: 191-92.
Henry, Douglas V. (review) XX: 184-86.
Henry, D. V. (review) XXIII: 212-14.
Herrick, James A. (review) XV: 185-86.
Hilderman, Nalani E. (review) XXX: 207-08.
Hilderman, N. E. (review) XXXIII: 171-72.
Hilderman, N. E. (review) XXXIV: 218-20.
Hilderman, N. E. Identity Politics, Natural Law, and Human Dignity XXXVI: 49-68.
Hittinger, John P. Newman, Theology and the Crisis of Liberal Education XI: 61-82.
Hittinger, J. P. (review) XVI: 208-9.
Hittinger, J. P. (review) XXII: 207-9.
Hittinger, J. P. (review) XXVI: 204-6.
Hittinger, J. P. The Springs of Religious Freedom XXIX: 4-24.
Hittinger, J. P. (review) XXX: 213-15.
Hollis, Daniel W. III. Religious Liberty and the Founding Fathers II: 87-102.
Hollis, D. W. (review) III: 192-93.
Hollis, D. W. (review) VII: 194-96.
Hollis, D. W. Cultural Origins of New Age Cults X: 31-48.
Hollis, D. W. (review) XI: 205-6.
Hollis, D. W. (review) XV: 201-2.
Hollis, D. W. (review) XVIII: 205-7.
Hollis, D. W. (review) XXIII: 189-91.
Hollis, D. W. (review) XXVI: 189-91.
Hollis, D. W. Pontynen on Knowledge and Truth XXVIII: 135-50.
Hollis, D. W. (review) XXIX: 204-6.
Hollis, D. W. The American Media Experience XXX: 29-47.
Hollis, D. W. The Paradox of Kurt Gödel XXXII: 119-36.
Hollis, D. W. U.S. Geopolitical Strategies and China’s Challenge XXXV: 81-102.
Hollis, D. W. (review) XXXVI: 206-8.
Hrynkow, Christopher (review) XXIII: 191-92.
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Inch, Morris A. (review) XI: 197-98.
Inch, M. A. (review) XIV: 203-4.
Inch, M. A. (review) XVII: 205-6.
Inch, M. A. (review) XXI: 204-5.
Inch, M. A. (review) XXV: 194-95.
Inch, M. A. (review) XXVII: 202-4.
Inch, M. A. (review) XXIX: 208-10.
Isser, Natalie & Lita L. Schwarz. Interdisciplinary Research I: 45-54.
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Jeffers, James S. Envisioning a Christian Liberal Arts Education XIV: 141-64.
Jenkins, William T. (review) XX: 208-9.
Jeynes, William H. Religious Commitment and Adolescent Behavior XIII: 31-50.
Jeynes, W. H. The Family, Religious Commitment and Economic Prosperity XXVI: 95-114.
Jeynes, W. H. Rediscovering Objectivity XXXI: 55-72.
Jeynes, W. H. China’s Deceit of U.S. Youth XXXV: 103-22.
Johnson, Mark T. (review) XXIX: 191-92.
Johnson, M. T. (review) XXX: 217-19.
Johnson, M. T. (review) XXXII: 196-98.
Johnson, M. T. (review) XXXIII: 198-200.
Johnson, M. T. (review) XXXVI: 187-89.
Jones, George W. (review) V: 203-5.
Jones, Harold B., Jr. Immanuel Kant, Free Market Capitalist XVI: 65-79.
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Kamaras, Istvan. Civil Society and Religion in Post-Communist Hungary XIII: 117-34.
Katz, Yaron. Identity Politics in Israel XXXVI: 69-86.
Kazmina, Olga (review) XII: 203-5.
Kazmina, O. Freedom of Religion in Post-Soviet Russia XIII: 97-116.
Keen, Daniel E. (review) XVI: 185-86.
Kelly, Georgia. Gardens of the Sun (music score) V: 179-88.
Kemple, Brian (review) XXIX: 212-14.
Kengor, Paul (review) XIII: 204-5.
Khan, Muhammad Mahroof & Afshan Azam. Root Causes of Terrorism XX: 65-86.
Khawaja, Mabel (review) VIII: 189-90.
Kim, Edward. An Open Letter to Christians XVIII: 153-56.
King, James M. (review) XVII: 211-12.
King, J. M. (review) XX: 214-16.
Kinghorn, Kevin (review) XXXI: 195-96.
Kirste, Reinhard (review) IX: 188-90.
Klay, Robin J. (review) XX: 199-201.
Klein, Ellen R. Can Feminism Be Rational? X: 17-29.
Klein, E. R. (review) XIII: 207-8.
Knickerbocker, Waldo E., Jr. (poem) IX: 120.
Korab-Karpowicz, W. Julian. Where Are You Going, Ukraine? XXXV: 61-80.
Kurek, Michael. Awakening Things Within XXXIV: 117-28.
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Lahaie, Scot (review) X: 177-78.
Lahaie, S. (review) XII: 188-90.
Lahaie, S. (review) XV: 199-200.
Lahaie, S. (review) XVIII: 199-201.
Lahaie, S. Gadfly (stage play) XXII: 155-88.
Lahaie, S. (review) XXVIII: 184-86.
Lahaie, S. (review) XXX: 197-98.
Lahaie, S. (review) XXXV: 191-93.
Lake, Christina Bieber. Tasting the Transcendent XXXIV: 43-58.
Lamb, Gregory E. Art as Therapeutic Beauty and a Visible “Sermon” to the World XXXIV: 97-116.
Lamoureux, Denis O. Charles Darwin and Intelligent Design XV: 23-42.
Lane, Richard. David’s Escape From Absalom XXVII: 139-54.
Langbert, Mitchell (review) XVII: 213-14.
Langbert, M. (review) XXI: 181-83.
Langbert, M. Toward the Virtue-Based Business School XXIII: 97-116.
Langbert, M. (review) XXIV: 196-98.
Langbert, M. (review) XXVII: 187-88.
Lanier, Cynthia M. (review) V: 198-99.
Lanz, Tobias J. (review) XXIX: 206-8.
Larson, Thomas R. (review) XX: 212-14.
Larson, T. R. (review) XXIII: 193-94.
Leduc, Laurent (review) VI: 194-96.
Le, “Joey” Alan. Martial Arts in Search of Transcendence XXXIV: 172-94.
Le, J. A. (review) XXXV: 202-04.
Lee, J. Scott. Cultural Institutions, Theatre and Humanistic Liberal Education XXVIII: 151-70.
Lee, J. S. (review) XXXII: 198-200.
Lee, J. S. (review) XXXIV: 216-18.
Lefeu, James. Randomness, Compatibilism and Divine Providence XXVII: 61-81.
Lewandowska, Boguslawa. Evolution and Scientific Theories of Changeability XXII: 115-33.
Lewthwaite, Gordon R. (review) XV: 209-10.
Lie, Anita. Religious Education and Character Formation XXVI: 73-94.
Lindberg, David S. (review) IX: 185-86.
London, Herbert I. (review) XIV: 194-96.
Loucky, John Paul. (review) XXVI: 200-2.
Loucky, John Paul & Brian Byrd. Toyohiko Kagawa and Reinhold Niebuhr XXVIII: 63-88.
Lowe, Brian M. Soviet and American Civil Religion XIII: 73-96.
Lumbard, Francine H. (review) XIII: 201-2.
Lundberg, Bruce N. In Search of a Theology of Mathematics XXIII: 165-86.
Lundberg, B. N. (review) XXIV: 200-2.
Lundberg, B. N. Hans Jonas on Technology, Mathematics and Human Nature XXV: 67-88.
Lundberg, B. N. Probability, Fine-Tuning and the Mind’s Road to God XXVII: 155-84.
Lundberg, B. N. The Virtues of Leonhard Euler XXXII: 58-80.
Lundberg, B. N. Pilgrim Friending and the Place of Peace XXXIII: 59-82.
Lusvardi, Wayne (review) XVII: 207-8.
Lynch, Edward A. Beyond Liberation Theology? VI: 147-64.
Lynch, E. A. (review) VII: 187-89.
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MacCallum, Spencer H. (review) XXVIII: 193-95.
Maio, Gerald De (review) VII: 183-84.
Maio, G. De (review) X: 185-86.
Maio, G. De (review) XIII: 216-17.
Maio, G. De (review) XVI: 188-90.
Maio, G. De (review) XIX: 190-92.
Maio, G. De (review) XXII: 209-11.
Maio, G. De (review) XXV: 204-6.
Maio, G. De (review) XXVIII: 175-76.
Maio, G. De. The Republican Schoolmaster and the Problem of Religion in America XXX: 169-94.
Maio, G. De (review) XXXI: 190-92.
Maio, G. De (review) XXXIII: 180-82.
Maio, G. De (review) XXXIV: 195-97.
Maio, G. De (review) XXXVI: 200-02.
Maio, G. De & Douglas Muzzio. The American Founding, Civic Virtue and Religion II: 103-24.
Manry, Matthew W. (review) XXVII: 215-17.
Marcum, James A. Metaphysical Foundations and Complementarity of Science and Theology XVII: 45-64.
Maritain, Jacques. Christianity and Democracy XXI: 143-52.
Martin, Michael. Meditations on Blade Runner XVII: 105-22.
Martin, M. (review) XIX: 210-12.
Martin, M. (review) XXII: 212-14.
Marty, William R. Reflections on the Limits of Science I: 55-69.
Marty, W. R. A Christian Political Economy III: 107-20.
Marty, W. R. The Nature of Nature V: 163-77.
Marty, W. R. Government, Morality and the Family VII: 1-24.
Marty, W. R. Liberalism Without Transcendence IX: 1-18.
Marty, W. R. Christians in the Academy X: 1-16.
Marty, W. R. (review) XXIV: 193-95.
Marty, W. R. A New Political Pacifism XXX: 63-77.
Marty, W. R. Three Hypotheses About America XXXVI: 25-48.
Matejko, Alexander J. (review) III: 201-203.
Matejko, A. J. Virtue and Social Organization in Poland IV: 158-63.
Matejko, A. J. (review) VIII: 192-94.
Matejko, A. J. (review) XI: 201-2.
Matulic, Rusko. CADDY: “Enemies of the People” From Abroad XXIV: 113-18.
Maxwell, Paul C. Human Self-Transcendence (review essay) XXVI: 167-83.
Mayer, Lanney. Integrating Faith With Learning in a Postmodern Age XXIII: 58-76.
Meyer, Steven John. A Theocentric Vision of Culture in John Paul II XXIX: 71-90.
Meyer, S. J. (review) XXXIV: 208-9.
McCall, Bradford (review) XX: 191-92.
McConkey, Dale. A Congregational Remapping of Culture Wars X: 49-66.
McDaniel, Charles A. Friedrich Hayek and Reinhold Niebuhr on the Moral Persistence of Liberal Society XVI: 133-56.
McDaniel, C. A. Political Polarization and the Churches XXX: 117-44.
McDaniel, C. A. (review) XXXIV: 214-16.
McDaniel, C. A. Reinhold Niebuhr’s Vision XXXV: 145-70.
McDaniel, C. A. & Vance E. Woods. Martin Luther and John Henry Newman XXIII: 19-40.
McDonald, Robert M. (review) XXVIII: 173-74.
McDonald, R. M. (review) XXIX: 210-12.
McDonald, R. M. (review) XXXII: 205-7.
McElhanon, Kenneth A. Cognitive Linguistics, Biblical Truth and Ethical Conduct XIX: 119-38.
McGray, James W. The Golden Rule and Paternalism I: 145-73.
McGrory, Kathleen (review) X: 179-81.
McGrory, K. (review) XIX: 208-10.
McMullen, Steven. Objectivity and Ethics in Economic Methodology XXXI: 73-92.
McNamara, Robert (review) XXXVI: 198-200.
Meagher, Michael E. Daniel Boorstin and Russell Kirk VII: 135-48.
Meagher, M. E. (review) VIII: 177-78.
Meagher, M. E. (review) XII: 192-93.
Meagher, M. E. The American Experiment and the Crisis of Community XIII: 15-30.
Meagher, M. E. (review) XV: 193-94.
Meagher, M. E. John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan XVIII: 1-24.
Meagher, M. E. (review) XXII: 193-94.
Meagher, M. E. (review) XXV: 181-82.
Meagher, M. E. (review) XXVII: 200-1.
Meagher, M. E. The U.S. Presidential Campaign, 2016 XXVIII: 19-40.
Meagher, M. E. Democracy on Trial XXX: 48-62.
Meagher, M. E. (review) XXXI: 183-85.
Meagher, M. E. The Challenge of Distance Learning XXXII: 137-52.
Meagher, M. E. U.S. Presidential Leadership Styles and Media XXXIII: 123-40.
Meagher, M. E. (review) XXXV: 197-99.
Meagher, M. E. (review) XXXVI: 196-97.
Melnik, A. James. The Quantum World XXVII: 45-60.
Melnik, Yevgeniya K. & Robert M. Anderson, Jr. Cybernetics, Genetic Engineering and the Future of Psychotherapy XXV: 39-53.
Mercer, Calvin (review) IV: 198-99.
Merutiu, Monica D. Christian Heritage and Democracy in Europe XXI: 51-65.
Merutiu, M. D. (review) XXII: 197-99.
Merutiu, M. D. (review) XXVII: 204-6.
Merutiu, M. D. (review) XXX: 215-17.
Merutiu, M. D. (review) XXXII: 202-5.
Merutiu, M. D. (review) XXXIII: 194-96.
Merutiu, M. D. (review) XXXV: 207-09.
Merutiu, M. D. (review) XXXVI: 208-210.
Mestrovic, Stjepan G. A Cultural Analysis of the Fall of Communism IV: 103-20.
Mestrovic, S. G. (review) V: 195-96.
Meyer, Stephen C. The Return of the God Hypothesis XI: 1-38.
Meyer, Steven J. (review) XXXVI: 189-91.
Meyers, Debra A. Frank Lloyd Wright VI: 24-40.
Mihajlov, Mihajlo. The Return of the Grand Inquisitor I: 85-100.
Mihajlov, M. Appointment With Destiny XVIII: 113-20.
Mihajlov, M. Is Yugoslavia the Private Property of the Communist Party? XXIV: 145-51.
Mihajlov Group. The Zadar Declaration XXIV: 152-56.
Mikolaski, Samuel J. (review) XVI: 187-88.
Miller, Rod A. (review) XXIV: 207-9.
Miller, R. A. (review) XXVI: 198-200.
Miller, R. A. (review) XXIX: 189-90.
Miller, R. A. (review) XXXIII: 190-92.
Miller, R. A. Zombie Art XXXIV: 59-72.
Miller, R. A. (review) XXXIV: 199-201.
Miller, R. A. (review) XXXVI: 211-13.
Mimmo, Rocco (review) XXIX: 181-82.
Mimmo, R. (review) XXXI: 179-80.
Mimmo, R. (review) XXXII: 218-20.
Mitchell, Patrick J. (review) II: 193-95.
Mitchell, P. J. (review) XXIII: 187-88.
Mizzoni, John. Perspectives on Work in American Culture XVI: 97-110.
Mizzoni, J. (review) XIX: 195-97.
Moberg, David O. Is There a “Christian Sociology”? I: 5-23.
Moberg, D. O. (review) X: 175-76.
Moberg, D. O. (review) XIX: 204-6.
Molnar, Thomas. The Utopian Tradition and Western Intellectuals IV: 63-80.
Moloney, Catherine T. William and Henry James XIV: 25-46.
Morris, Henry M. Anti-Creationism as Rhetoric V: 113-24.
Morris, H. M. (review) VI: 188-90.
Morsey, David. Dialogues on the Rational and the Suprarational II: 71-86.
Morsey, D. (review) II: 201-3.
Morsey, D. Economics and the Bible III: 121-25.
Morsey, D. (review) III: 187-90.
Morsey, D. New Age Spirituality and the Bible (review essay) VI: 180-86.
Morsey, D. Into the Abyss He Came (poem) X: 157-58.
Moseley, James D. The Constitution of 1787, Based on Reason and Revelation XXX: 145-68.
Mrovka, David A. (review) IV: 201-2.
Back to Top

Nangle, Michael P. (review) XIII: 206-7.
Nash, Ronald. The Subjective Theory of Economic Value III: 31-50.
Nawojczyk, Maria & Shane Walton. Polish Perspectives on the Morality of Capital Accumulation XVI: 111-32.
Nguyen, Thi Kim Quy. Globalization and Higher Education in Vietnam XXIII: 117-36.
Noebel, David A. (review) XXVI: 210-12.
Noricks, Ronald H. (review) XV: 205-6.
Novak, Michael. A Salute to Jacques Maritain XXI: 124-42.
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Ogbujah, Columbus. Rediscovering Family Values XXVIII: 89-106.
Ogbujah, C. Intellectual Censorship in Liberalism XXXI: 93-107.
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Palermo, George B. Restoring the Family as the Primary Human Community VII: 51-70.
Palermo, G. B. The City Under Siege VIII: 1-18.
Palermo, G. B. (review) X: 200-2.
Palermo, G. B. (review) XV: 183-84.
Palermo, G. B. (review) XVIII: 201-3.
Palermo, G. B. (review) XXI: 197-99.
Palermo, G. B. (review) XXIV: 205-7.
Palermo, G. B. (review) XXVIII: 177-78.
Palmquist, Stephen R. Echoes of God’s Presence (poem) XIX: 180.
Parker, Franklin (review) II: 203-5.
Parker, F. (review) VI: 197-99.
Patterson, Eric D. Christian Realism in the New American Century XXXV: 33-60.
Patterson, E. D. U.S. Global Democracy Promotion XXXVI: 165-86.
Patton, Judd W. Is There a Christian Political Economy? III: 11-30.
Patton, J. W. (review) V: 205-6.
Patton, J. W. (review) VIII: 198-99.
Patton, J. W. (review) XVI: 215-16.
Patton, J. W. (review) XXI: 191-92.
Pecican, Ovidiu (review) XXIII: 197-98.
Peck, Lee Anne. Nationalism, News Media and Tolerance in Croatia XX: 105-19.
Peck, L. A. (review) XXI: 193-95.
Peck, L. A. (review) XXV: 177-78.
Peck, L. A. (review) XXVII: 189-90.
Perry, Clifton. The Presidential Self-Pardon Paradox XXXI: 123-42.
Peters, Catherine (review) XXVI: 212-14.
Pfau, Thomas (review) XXIX: 201-3.
Pihlstrom, Sami. Hilary Putnam as a Religious Thinker XI: 39-60.
Platt, Thomas W. The Conflict of Science and Religion II: 22-38.
Platt, T. W. (review) XIX: 183-85.
Platt, T. W. (review) XXII: 191-92.
Polis, Dennis F. Evolution XXII: 32-66.
Polis, D. F. Does God Gamble With Creation? XXVII: 109-24.
Pomerleau, Wayne P. Orwell’s 1984 Society and Human Rights I: 135-44.
Pomerleau, W. P. (review) I: 207-8.
Pomerleau, W. P. (review) IX: 196-97.
Pontynen, Arthur (review) XXIV: 179-82.
Pontynen, A. Culture and Knowledge of Reality XXVIII: 107-34.
Pope John Paul II. Our Knowledge of God and Nature XVII: 163-72.
Porter, Jene M. (review) XI: 198-99.
Proietti, Pamela Werrbach. The Future of Family Values XII: 21-44.
Proietti, P. W. (review) XVII: 217-18.
Proietti, P. W. Maritain on Human Dignity and Human Rights XXI: 106-22.
Proietti, P. W. (review) XXII: 216-18.
Proietti, P. W. (review) XXV: 196-98.
Proietti, P. W. (review) XXVII: 198-200.
Proietti, P. W. (review) XXX: 203-04.
Proietti, P. W. (review) XXXII: 200-02.
Proietti, P. W. (review) XXXV: 199-202.
Prost, Gilbert R. The Liberal Arts, Language and Transcendence XIV: 47-67.
Prost, G. R. The Chacobo Indians of the Amazon XV: 139-64.
Prost, G. R. (review) XVII: 200-1.
Prost, G. R. An Emic-Etic Model for Language and Culture XIX: 139-58.
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Quintana-Paz, Miguel Ángel. Enrique Dussel and Liberation Theology XXVI: 135-46.
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Randall, Albert B. The Seven Deadly Bad Faiths (Sins) II: 39-55.
Reddaway, Peter. Soviet Policies Toward Dissent, 1953-1986 XXIV: 57-82.
Redemer, Colin Chan (review) XXX: 209-10.
Redemer, C. C. (review) XXXI: 181-83.
Redemer, C. C. (review) XXXIII: 182-84.
Reich, K. Helmut. A Logic-Based Typology of Science and Theology VIII: 149-67.
Reich, K. H. (review) IX: 199-201.
Reich, K. H. (review) XV: 207-8.
Reichard, Joshua D. Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies XXIII: 77-96.
Reichard, J. D. (review) XXIV: 202-4.
Reichard, J. D. (review) XXIX: 195-96.
Reichard, J. D. Convivial Social Media Selves? XXXIII: 83-104.
Reichard, J. D. (review) XXXIV: 197-99.
Reimers, Adrian J. The Christian Personalism of John Paul II XXIX: 125-48.
Rey, Marguerite de Wersowecz. Principia Humanistica XVII: 65-87.
Rist, Patrick (review) IX: 191-92.
Rist, P. (review) XII: 181-92.
Rosenblum-Cale, Karen (review) II: 191-93.
Roulier, Scott. Beyond Richard Rorty’s Public IX: 19-38.
Russell, Mark L. (review) XIX: 181-83.
Ryan, William F. (review) VII: 191-92.
Rziha, John (review) XXXII: 214-15.
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Saltmarsh, John A. Edward Bellamy’s Religious Radicalism II: 125-38.
Saltmarsh, J. A. (review) IV: 185-86.
Sarumi, Kahar Wahab. Between Ephemerality and Eternality XXXIV: 147-71.
Savage, Sean J. (review) III: 185-86.
Scala, Dante J. (review) XIII: 215-16.
Scarbrough, Jeremy E. Music and Justice XXXIV: 11-42.
Scarbrough, J. E. (review) XXXVI: 191-93.
Schall, James V., S.J. On Philosophy and Enchantment XXIX: 115-24.
Schansberg, D. Eric. Economic and Political Markets XVI: 173-84.
Schansberg, D. E. (review) XXII: 203-05.
Schansberg, D. E. Social Problems, Public Policy, the Church and the Common Good XXVIII: 41-62.
Schansberg, D. E. (review) XXIX: 183-85.
Schansberg, D. E. Family, Religion and the American Republic XXX: 78-96.
Schansberg, D. E. (review) XXXI: 185-87.
Schansberg, D. E. (review) XXXII: 207-09.
Schansberg, D. E. (review) XXXV: 211-13.
Scheff, Thomas J. The Emergence of the Self XXVI: 147-66.
Schmidt, Alvin J. (review) XIII: 210-11.
Schotten, Peter. Heidegger, The Holocaust and Postmodernism XII: 69-84.
Schrotenboer, Paul G. (review) IX: 197-99.
Schuck, Peter H. (review) XVII: 196-97.
Schultz, Anne-Marie & Paul E. Carron. Socratic Meditation and Emotional Self-Regulation XXV: 137-60.
Schultze, Quentin J. (review) VIII: 200-1.
Schwarz, Hans. Karl Heim als diakonischer Denker II: 56-70.
Schwarz, H. Karl Heim and John Polkinghorne IX: 105-19.
Schwarz, H. (review) X: 181-83.
Schwarz, H. (review) XIII: 197-98.
Schwarz, H. (review) XVII: 209-10.
Schwarz, H. (review) XX: 187-88.
Schwarz, H. (review) XXIII: 198-200.
Schwarz, H. (review) XXVI: 185-86.
Schwarz, H. (review) XXIX: 199-201.
Schwarz, H. (review) XXXI: 200-202.
Schwarz, H. (review) XXXVI: 213-15.
Scott, Jennifer A. (review) XII: 186-88.
Scott, J. A. Speaking the Unspeakable (poem) XV: 137-38.
Scott, J. A. (review) XV: 215-16.
Scriven, Charles. Grace and Good XXIX: 159-80.
Scriven, C. The Rabbi and the Gadfly XXXI: 11-32.
Seaton, Paul (review) XI: 187-88.
Seaver, George A. Civil Rights in an Extended Republic XXX: 97-116.
Seaver, G. A. Merit, Academic Freedom, Scholarship and Culture XXXII: 153-78.
Seaver, G. A. U.S. Constitutional Originalism from Transcendence XXXVI: 146-64.
Seeman, Bradley N. Peirce, Habermas and Moral Absolutes XII: 45-68.
Seifert, Josef. The Seventh Voyage of Philosophy XI: 83-104.
Sekatskii, Sergey. The Quantum Homeostasis Hypothesis and Divine Providence XXVII: 82-98.
Shank, Harold & Wayne Reed. A Challenge to Suburban Evangelical Churches VII: 119-34.
Shaughnessy, Michael F. Transcending Totalitarianism I: 174-82.
Shaughnessy, M. F. (review) VII: 185-86.
Sherwin, Michael S. Reconciling Old Lovers XVII: 173-83.
Shields, George W. (review) XI: 189-90.
Shlapentokh, Dmitry (review) II: 196-98.
Shlapentokh, D. (review) III: 196-97.
Shults, F. LeRon. Integrative Epistemology and the Search for Meaning V: 125-40.
Siegfried, Michael. The Inner City in the 21st Century VIII: 19-30.
Siek, Theodore J. (review) XXV: 179-80.
Siler, Todd (review) XIII: 212-13.
Silverberg, David (review) III: 190-92.
Sirico, Robert A. Theologians in Search of Liberation III: 93-106.
Sivertseva, Tamara. Culture and Ethnic Identity in Daghestan (field report) X: 142-56.
Skaggs, Rebecca (review) VIII: 181-82.
Small, Garrick R. Property, Commerce, and Living God’s Will XVI: 157-72.
Smylie, James H. (review) XI: 200-1.
Snell, R. J. (review) XVI: 196-97.
Sowa, Kazimierz Z. Dissent and Civil Society in Poland XVIII: 57-74.
Speck, Bruce W. Augustine’s Tale of Two Cities VIII: 105-30.
Speck, B. W. (review) IX: 179-80.
Speck, B. W. Relativism and the Promise of Tolerance X: 67-84.
Speck, B. W. (review) XII: 190-91.
Spencer, Albert F. Ethics, Faith and Sport XII: 143-58.
Stankiewicz, Zygmunt. Der Ursprung der schoenen Kuenste I: 71-84.
Stankiewicz, Z. Die Kunst in der Zukunftsstadt VIII: 81-104.
Stapleford, John E. Christian Ethics and Economics XII: 125-42.
Stapleford, J. E. (review) XVI: 213-14.
Stenhouse, Paul (review) XVI: 197-99.
Stockwell, Clinton E. (review) XXI: 183-85.
Summerell, Orrin F. (review) VI: 192-94.
Sutherland, Corine S. (review) XVII: 204-5.
Sutherland, C. S. (review) XX: 183-84.
Sutherland, C. S. (review) XXII: 189-90.
Sutherland, C. S. (review) XXVII: 185-86.
Sutherland, C. S. (review) XXIX: 193-94.
Sutherland, C. S. Isaac Asimov’s Rules for Humans XXXII: 39-57.
Sutherland, D. Dixon (review) IV: 191-93.
Sweis, Khaldoun A. Existing Without My Body XXV: 89-104.
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Taliaferro, Charles. (review) XXV: 183-84.
Taliaferro, C. (review) XXVII: 211-13.
Tango, Gerardo G. (review) III: 199-201.
Taras, Raymond C. (review) VI: 199-200.
Taras, R. C. (review) IX: 183-84.
Taras, R. C. (review) XXII: 195-97.
Taras, R. C. (review) XXVII: 193-95.
Taras, R. C. (review) XXXI: 197-99.
Taras, R. C. (review) XXXIV: 203-5.
Taylor, James S. (review) XVI: 190-92.
Tehranian, Majid (review) XIX: 185-88.
Thomas, Jesse J. From Joy to Joy XII: 109-24.
Thomas, J. J. (review) XIII: 213-14.
Thomas, J. J. Wisdom Literature and Higher Education XIV: 117-40.
Thomas, J. J. Rings, Wardrobes and Star Wars (review essay) XVIII: 173-90.
Thomas, J. J. (review) XX: 197-99.
Thomas, J. J. Overlapping Magisteria (review essay) XXI: 162-80.
Thomas, J. J. Transcendence and Sentience in Science and Religion (review essay) XXIV: 159-76.
Thomas, J. J. (review) XXVI: 187-89.
Thomas, J. J. (review) XXVIII: 171-72.
Thuswaldner, Gregor (review) XIV: 199-200.
Todaro-Franceschi, Vidette (review) XII: 195-97.
Tolsma, Rintje Theoren. Artistic Genius and Freedom of Creativity in Kant’s Critique of Judgement XXXIV: 129-46
Topf, Daniel. “Useless Class” or Uniquely Human? XXXII: 17-38.
Topf, D. (review) XXXIII: 192-94.
Topf, D. America’s New Independence Day XXXV: 123-44.
Topf, D. (review) XXXV: 189-91.
Towne, Margaret Grey (review) XXIV: 184-86.
Trenn, Thaddeus J. (review) VIII: 201-4.
Trenn, T. J. The Shroud of Turin IX: 121-40.
Trenn, T. J. Science, Faith and Design (review essay) XI: 175-86.
Trenn, T. J. From Here to Eternity (review essay) XIV: 165-82.
Trenn, T. J. (review) XV: 213-15.
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Ugobi-Onyemere, Mary Christine, IHM. John Paul II in the Light of Thomas Aquinas XXIX: 25-51.
United Nations. Universal Declaration of Human Rights XXI: 153-60.
U.S. House of Representatives. Resolution Condemning China’s Laogai, 2005. XXXV: 171-72.
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Valčová, Katarina. (review) XXV: 207-8.
Van De Merwe, Willem P. (review) XVII: 198-99.
Van De Merwe, W. P. (review) XX: 189-90.
Van De Merwe, W. P. (review) XXIII: 203-4.
Van De Merwe, W. P. (review) XXVI: 194-96.
Vanden Houten, Arthur (review) XVII: 191-92.
Van der Meer, Jitse M. (review) XI: 203-4.
VanderVennen, Robert E. (review) VIII: 186-87.
Van Hooft, Stan. Integrity and Shame XIX: 101-18.
Vidovic, Mirko. The Movement of Independent Intellectuals in Yugoslavia XXIV: 107-11.
Voss, Sarah. Mathaphors and Faith Understandings of Consciousness XVII: 88-104.
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Waldinger, Albert (review) II: 209-12.
Walsh, Adrian & Tony Lynch. Can Individual Morality and Commercial Life Be Reconciled? XVI: 80-96.
Ward, Andrew. God, Suffering and the Anti-Utopian Character of Brave New World I: 162-73.
Ward, David C. Interdisciplinary Faith-Learning Integration for Social Change XXVI: 29-56.
Warren, Colleen (review) XXXIII: 186-88.
Watts, Galen (review) XXIX: 185-86.
Welbaum, Samuel (review) XXXIII: 188-90.
Wells, Geoff. Jacques Maritain’s Personalistic Society and Pluralism XXI: 25-50.
Wells, Jonathan. Darwin’s Straw God Argument XXII: 67-88.
Wiles, Benjamin J. (review) XVII: 195-96.
Williams, Hugh. Confronting the Modern Problematic XXIX: 52-70.
Wilson, Catherine E. Jacques Maritain and Eduardo Frei Montalva XXI: 83-105.
Wilson, C. E. (review) XXV: 189-191.
Wilson, Stephen D. (review) IV: 188-90.
Wirls, Stephen H. The Moral Imperative VIII: 31-48.
Wood, Peter W. Restoring U.S. Higher Education XXXI: 143-60.
Woods, Vance E. & Charles A. McDaniel. Martin Luther and John Henry Newman XXIII: 19-40.
Woolwine, David (review) XIII: 200-1.
Wrobel, Janusz. Capitalist Aspirations and the Communist Legacy in Poland IV: 139-57.
Wrobel, J. (review) XII: 197-99.
Wu, Harry. Classicide-Genocide in Communist China XVIII: 121-35.
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Yates, Steven. Civil Wrongs and Religious Liberty VI: 67-86.
Yates, S. (review) VIII: 178-80.
Yates, S. Postmodern Creation Myth? IX: 91-104.
Yates, S. (review) XII: 199-201.
Yates, S. (review) XV: 191-93.
Yates, S. (review) XXV: 209-12.
Yates, S. (review) XXVII: 206-9.
Yates, S. (review) XXXII: 193-95.
Yina, Martin N. Child Soldiers in Africa XX: 120-34.
Yina, M. N. (review) XXIV: 177-79.
Yina, M. N. (review) XXVII: 196-97.
Yina, M. N. The Challenges of Digital Technologies for Nigeria XXXII: 81-94.
Yina, M. N. (review) XXXII: 209-11.
Yong, Amos (review) XI: 192-93.
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Zamsa, Alexandru (review) XXVIII: 195-97.
Zimmer, J. Raymond. The Creation Story and Evolution V: 77-92.
Zimmermann, Jens (review) XIX: 188-90.
Zinam, Oleg. Toward a Normative Economic Metaparadigm III: 51-72.
Zinam, O. (review) III: 197-99.
Zinam, O. (review) V: 199-201.
Zubia, Aaron A. (review) XXVI: 202-4.
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