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[/vc_column_text][vcex_spacing size=”3px”][vc_column_text]The International Christian Studies Association (ICSA) is an international, non-denominational, nonprofit educational association, dedicated to the exploration of knowledge and its integration with Judeo-Christian ethical and spiritual values within an open forum of interdisciplinary and interfaith dialogue. ICSA welcomes new members and invites your support. By joining ICSA you become a member of a growing worldwide network of scholars-believers who take both scholarship and faith seriously. The ICSA Newsletter reports on matters of faith and scholarship. By joining ICSA, you will share in the exciting work of promoting the integration of intellectual and spiritual aspects of life in the academy and the church.

ICSA’s particular medium of witness is scholarship across geographical, disciplinary, and denominational boundaries, seeking to expand our understanding of God and the universe recognizing the inherent dignity of all created in the imago Dei. In his encyclical, Fides et Ratio, Pope John Paul II recalls that “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth–in a word, to know himself–so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves” (1998: 7).

In its purposes and goals, ICSA dovetails with IIR, reflecting the joint mission of fides et ratio, conjoining faith and reason, or as St. Anselm put it, “fides quaerens intellectum” (“faith in search of understanding”). ICSA and IIR aspire to help scholars, students, and the public integrate knowledge with ethics and faith, and thus develop a greater appreciation for the wonder, beauty, and unity of God’s Creation.

ICSA charges no membership fees, and is supported exclusively by private contributions (tax-deductible). ICSA membership is open to all persons and institutions sharing in its mission.  Members receive the ICSA Newsletter (Annual Report), funds permitting, and are encouraged to subscribe to the Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (Order).

Support ICSA: Send check/money order in U.S. funds, drawn on a U.S. bank, made out to: ICSA, 1065 Pine Bluff Dr., Pasadena, CA 91107, USA.

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